Teaching Ordinal Numbers Using Favorite Toys
As you can probably tell from my recent blog posts, I have a student right now who really loves Star Wars. I like to use his interests as...

Fun with Ten Frames (And Also Learning Place Value and Number Sense)
Ten frames are a simple and effective way to teach students about concepts such as: How many more you need to make ten (addition),...

Writing an Animal Report (Free Template and Visual Supports)
One of my students loves animals, so I'm using that to practice writing and research skills. I wanted a really basic template that he...

Ways Adults with Autism Cope with Stress
I recently read an interesting research article that discussed coping strategies used by adults with “high-functioning” autism. What I...

Teaching the Concept of Money, Part 2
Note: you can read part 1 of this blog post here: https://www.autismhomeschoolsuccess.com/single-post/2019/07/16/Teaching-the-Concept-of-...

Manding Ideas for Watching Online Videos: Ways to Practice Communication
If you're not familiar with the term "manding," I'll start with a brief overview of what it is, then share some ideas for how you can use...

Visual Supports for "Fill-in-the-Blank" Stories
A quick post today. For a fun activity with some of my students, I bought these Star Wars Mad Libs. To help provide a visual support for...

Teaching About Animal Habitats Using a Student’s Special Interests
I was working on animal habitats with one of my students, and I (on a whim) pulled out these Star Wars planet cards that I'd made for...

The Rounding Train: Rounding to the Nearest Ten and Hundred
I made this set of activities to teach and practice the concept of rounding to the nearest ten and hundred for one of my teenage...

Spark Student Interest Before a Lesson
I teach college courses for special education teachers and one of our discussion topics is about "pre-reading" activities that a teacher...