Coupon Instructional Story
An introduction to the concept of coupons with visual supports. I made this for one of my tutoring students working on this concept to go...

Teach Your Child to Use a Picture Schedule with a First-Then Board
Picture schedules are a great way to help students with autism know what to expect in a class, during the school day, on a shopping trip,...

Video Modeling to Teach New Skills (And Possibly a Good Approach for Online Learning)
Hi everyone! I've been using the teaching strategy of video modeling for years and it's a great, evidence-based practice for students...

Ways Adults with Autism Cope with Stress
I recently read an interesting research article that discussed coping strategies used by adults with “high-functioning” autism. What I...

Teaching the Concept of Money, Part 2
Note: you can read part 1 of this blog post here: https://www.autismhomeschoolsuccess.com/single-post/2019/07/16/Teaching-the-Concept-of-...

Review of Raddish – A Cooking Club Subscription for Kids
My kiddo recently announced that he was interested in learning to cook and that he wanted to take a cooking class. He looked up a few...

Teaching Handwashing with a Task Analysis
A task analysis is when we break down a skill into small steps and make a list of the steps. This helps us more easily teach the skill...