Favorite Fine Motor Toys
Here are some of my students' favorite fine motor toys from the last few years. These are great for young kids, as well as working on...

Appearing Train Painting Activity
Art activities can be a fun way to practice various skills, particularly if you're making a project about something a child is interested...

Train Initial Sound Sort
I'm working on initial sounds of words with one of my students, so I made this sorting activity to practice the concept. The first...

Train Color Words Book
I made this quick activity for one of my students, so I thought I'd share it. You can have the student read the pages to know which...

"Classic" Folder Games for Math, Reading, and Colors
I was recently looking for folder games for math and I remembered that I'd made some games like this when I first started teaching in...

Using Special Interests to Teach Alphabetical Order
If you've been following this page for a while, you probably know that one of my favorite teaching strategies is to incorporate my...

Priming: A Way to Introduce New Activities to Students with Autism
Priming is a strategy that we can use to help a student with autism prepare for upcoming activities. With priming, you're essentially...