Scratch Coding Cards: Practice Coding in Simple Steps with Visual Supports
One of the things I teach to my science tutoring students most often is coding and computer programming. There are so many fun programs...

Temple Grandin Biography for Teens
I found this book at our local library a few weeks ago, and I had to share! I haven’t read the entire book, but I loved how it emphasizes...

Increasing Independence with Written Prompts
Since most of my students on the spectrum are stronger visual learners (rather than auditory learners), I've been starting to give more...

Teaching Coding to Kids/Teens with Autism
Coding is one of my favorite topics that I teach when I'm doing science tutoring for students with autism. Many of my students love...

Using 3D Modeling to Teach Language and Communication Skills
Many of my students with autism have great visual-spatial skills and are excellent at skills such as 3D modeling. Often, they really...

A Visual Schedule for How to Remove a Flash Drive from a Computer
I work with many students with autism on technology skills, such as coding, robotics, and 3D modeling (which they’re often amazing at, by...

Job-Related Language Tip: Make an Instructional Video
I work with several of my students on 3D modeling using the programs TinkerCAD and SketchUp. I find that many of the students with autism...

Employment Portfolios for Teens and Young Adults with Autism
I’m currently teaching a college course for special education teachers on post-high school employment, education, and community living...