Activities for "The Big Wide-Mouthed Frog" (Or Other Frog Books)

This is a really cute little story and I made a bunch of learning activities for one of my students to go with it. We did all of these activities over three days and it was really fun.

The first thing I did was teach my student the vocabulary words “wide” and “narrow.” We practiced sorting different shapes into piles labeled “wide” and “narrow” (both words that the student could read, but wasn’t familiar with the definition). We did this with various shapes (triangles, rectangles, etc.).

Then, I gave the student a “test” to see how well he understood the words: drawing a frog with a wide mouth and drawing a frog with a narrow mouth. He loves to draw, so it was a fun activity for him and I don’t think he thought of it as an assessment.

We also did a story map and sequencing activity of the story. Since my student loves to draw, he wanted to draw all of these, rather than write them.
You can find a free printable story map here: You can get the animal sequencing page here:

Similarly, I had the student draw these parts of the story. You can find this printable here:

We also did this science experiment from
Since my student likes art, we looked at some of the art techniques used in the book: Black crayon outline and painting or coloring.

Making colorful shapes from construction paper to create flowers, leaves, and lily pads in the pond.

As our other art project (shown in the first picture of this blog post), we made an origami wide mouth frog, using these instructions:
For math, we did this activity. You can find it here:

As an additional language activity, we did these animal riddles that you can get here:
Animal Riddles:
Animal Pictures:

This is an example of activities I do for one of my elementary tutoring students. I work with this student for a three hour session three days per week, and these are the kinds of activities we might do over about two days. If you're interested in learning more about tutoring with me, you can see the "Working with Dr. Caldwell" links at the top of this page.