Autism Homeschool Success
Tutoring Services
Virtual Tutoring (via Zoom)
$50 - $60 per session · 50ish minutes*
Individual tutoring with Dr. Caldwell on math, reading, reading comprehension, or beginner coding/3D modeling.
For math and reading, we work on remediating difficulties, using research-based interventions to fill-in gaps and address specific challenges with these subjects. As such, this service is beyond tutoring with school assignments or homework help. These sessions are particularly helpful for students with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia.
For coding and 3D modeling, these are taught as fun enrichment activities, rather than academic tutoring.
Sessions are interactive and students can use cool technology features, such as virtual math manipulatives, to make learning fun and effective. Each session is completely customized for your child.
Fees are based on the number of sessions per week:
1 session/week = $60 per session,
2 sessions/week = $55 per session,
3+ sessions/week = $50 per session.
This price includes the hours I spend outside of sessions creating lessons, activities, and sometimes "homework" specifically designed for your child based on exactly what they need to review or learn next.
For more information or to schedule a free initial consultation, please send me a message.
*Occasionally, sessions will run a few minutes over 50. Very rarely, a session may end a few minutes early.
Currently, only virtual sessions are available. In-person sessions (when they resume) are an additional $10 per session in Rockwall, Texas and an additional $15 per session outside of Rockwall, but within 20 miles of Rockwall. For other locations, please contact me.
As another note, for some subjects, a minimum of 2 sessions per week may be required to ensure progress.
Barton Reading Tutoring for Dyslexia
Same pricing as above, but currently all sessions for this type of tutoring are full.
For more information, please send me a message at nicolekcaldwell@gmail.com.
As an important note, in order to make progress with this approach, a minimum of 2 sessions per week will be required, and 3 are preferred.
I've starting gathering testimonials, so I'll share a few here for your reference. The first one is a screenshot from a review on my profile from the website care.com, and I've typed in the rest.

"Thanks for a great first session. The moment the zoom ended, [STUDENT] said, 'I like her. I feel like I actually did progress.' He is completely invigorated after the lesson."
- Parent email.
"[STUDENT] said other day that math w you is way more fun than with me (no surprise there) and may even be her favorite Friday activity, even including her weekly visit w friends!"
- Parent message.
"Nicole has been tutoring (homeschool teaching) our 7-year-old for a couple of years (before the pandemic forced us to pause tutoring with her a few months ago) and he's come so far with his language. He's doing great with math, reading, and writing too, but the language is the most noticeable. We hope to be able to start tutoring again soon!" (submitted by e-mail from a family who prefers to remain anonymous).
"Nicole is highly knowledgeable and passionate about the creation and implementation of effective and functional interventions for children with autism and their families. Moreover, Nicole is a very deep thinker and hard worker. Nicole consistently amazes me with her intelligent, creative, and thorough contributions! An asset to any team hoping to positively impact the lives of children with autism and their families." - Kelly (text copied from my LinkedIn profile).
"Nicole is compassionate, talented, and hard-working. She is uniquely qualified in her work with students on the autism spectrum." - Christina (text copied from my LinkedIn profile).