Free Online 3D Modeling Class for High School Students with Autism

I wasn't planning on launching this course until summer, but I've decided to go ahead and try to have it ready sooner, in case your have children at home from school and are looking for activities for them to do.
I've been teaching 3D modeling to students with autism of various ages for about 4 years and I've found that many of my students are very good at the visual-spatial thinking that 3D modeling requires. Many of my students really enjoy it too!
The class with focus on teaching an introduction to the basics of 3D modeling, as well as some organization and study skills that will benefit students if they continue to college courses at some point in their future.
As mentioned above, the course will be free and the kid-friendly 3D modeling program that we'll use (TinkerCAD) is also free.
If you're interested in submitting an application for your child, you can find it here:
Please note that this will be a free "trial run" of the class - it's the first time I'm offering it and a little bit of it might be a bit rushed to get it ready, but I'm really excited about it! I've been planning it for months, so I'm grateful that it will be available soon! I just ask for patience as we work out any challenges (learning experiences) in the first run of the class.