Autism Homeschool Success
RPG Social Groups
My son and I at a local Renaissance festival in 2019.
RPG Social Group for Kids Ages 11-13(ish)!
My 13-year-old has recently gotten interested in tabletop Role Playing Games (RPGs, like Dungeons and Dragons), and we are wanting to start a social group for kids near this age range play these games and make friends. Both online and in-person groups are a possibility.
The game we'll be starting with is a kid-friendly RPG called "WyrdScouts." WyrdScouts is a great introduction to RPGs, written for kids, but honestly fun enough for adults to play too. In this game, each participant gets to create their own magical character, and the characters work together to solve problems and earn their WyrdScout badges.
The group will be free, but you might have some associated costs, such as purchasing your own dice. My son is really excited about meeting some new people and starting the group. If you are interested, please send me a message at