Autism Homeschool Success

Welcome to Autism Homeschool Success!
If you've chosen homeschooling for your child, "Autism Homeschool Success" is here for you! You'll find info about how to start homeschooling, where to find legal requirements for your state, curriculum reviews, helpful tips from other parents, and resources to support your child's learning. Look at the menu titled " I want info on..." for all of these resources.
I also provide tutoring and homeschool teaching for kids age pre-school through high school, either in your home near Rockwall, Texas or online via Zoom. You can find out more information by clicking "Work with Dr. Caldwell" in the menu. I'm happy to help with any of your homeschooling questions too, so please reach out any time at nicolekcaldwell@gmail.com.

Nothing on this website should be considered legal advice. You are advised to contact a homeschool organization, such as the Texas Homeschool Coalition or the HSLDA for answers to specific questions.